David Coffaro Vineyard and Winery Winemaker's Diary

July 25 - July 31, 2010 

Wednesday July 28, 2010

Pat and I took another trip, this time down to Irvine California, 500 miles from here. We took our time traveling down, stopping in Santa Cruz and Santa Barbera. We had two very nice meals and then stayed with Pat's sister in Irvine, below L.A. We had a great time visiting but now I am home, and Pat is having fun in San Francisco going to 5 Giants games. She will be back Monday.

I walked the vineyard yesterday with Catarino. He had called me while down South informing me that we had some mildew on our grape bunches. We have had a very cool Summer and before that a rainy Spring which can lead to the forming of a powdery gray mildew which if left untreated can destroy the bunches. Last week when he called I asked him to spray a water solution that would destroy the mildew. We walked the whole vineyard yesterday and I was very happy to see that he did a great job and I saw no active mildew. We will monitor the vineyard to make sure we see no more. Catarino said that he has heard that we are doing fine compared to many of the vineyards around here. Mildew is very bad in Sonoma County. As I have said in the past I sulfur often and over my 32 years working this vineyard I have only seen mildew a few times. 

While looking around yesterday I was surprised to see very few red berries. We have been very cool in the last week so I now think we are over two weeks behind normal. I am hoping for warmer weather in the next few days.

Saturday July 31, 2010

This is the last day before our prices on "Futures" go up. And also tomorrow look to see the new offer of our 2009 Futures to be bottled next January. 

I went to my new doctor. I say new because I have seen him for only three years. I have had a few doctors over the years, and my last one retired. I have heard if your doctor is younger than you (my version), maybe it is time to retire? This new one is older!! But of course I am never retiring anyway. All my life I have had high blood pressure when initially appearing in the doctor's office. Is this normal for everyone? That is what I asked my doctor the other day. I told him I have taken my blood pressure many different times during the day. I have found that even if  I talk to Cindi, Matt or Pat just before taking the blood pressure, I will get a higher reading than if I just sat quietly for 5 minutes. If I get up and walk a few steps and sit down and take my blood pressure, I will get a much higher reading. I asked him: what good is it to take a reading when sitting quietly IF I have much higher readings while just talking or walking around? What is a doctor looking for? He said we are looking for an average reading. Of course they don't explain what is average. I have been taking a mild blood pressure pill for two years and if I am quiet the readings have been great, but not when I do anything else. So we decided to up the dose of my blood pressure pills. I asked him what a high dose is and he said 8 times more than I am taking. I have some of my 10 mg pills left so I'm interested to see if I take one in the evening and then in the morning, will they work better than taking one 20 mg pill one time a day which he suggests. So far after two days even if I move around a little my blood pressure readings have been fine, about 125 over 75.


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